Silent Invasion

Hordes of vengeful men invaded
while buffaloed natives were smashed.
Images fooled like tasty bait;
cities that once housed life lay trashed.

Talking heads fooled and misinformed
while cameras swooped like vultures.
Leaders swarmed like ravenous flies,
feasting on your feeble culture.

Social media shamed free thought;
just share your social suicide.
Mocked by the tamed and mistaken,
’cause you dared to oppose genocide.

Illusions blinded progressives
while fake news caused mass persuasion.
Woke disdain made life oppressive
to distract from the invasion.

Male hordes erased from feeble minds;
persuaded they were refugees.
Dead children entwined in White vines,
and disgraced by the bourgeoisie.

The maligned opened weary arms
while hungry hordes wasted no time.
Subdued by cultural self-harm,
but to resist demise a crime.

Left-wing eyes skewed reality
while feminists gagged the terror
and denied the brutality:
sexual crime a White error.

Elites tore at the traditions;
devoured a once confident land.
Reduced the living conditions,
to kill any taking a stand.

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